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Personal Interviews

Face-to-face interviews are where decisions are made! It may seem obvious, but dress professionally and come prepared. Bring several copies of your resume, writing utensils, notebook, references, questions, breath mints, a comb, etc. & anything that will make you feel comfortable and prepared.

During the employment interview, the interviewer meets with the candidate to evaluate their skills, capabilities, and level of experience. When sitting in the hot seat, keep in mind that while there are no standard responses, your replies should be clear and relevant.

To answer questions appropriately, remember these guidelines:

  • Listen carefully. If you feel the question is unclear, ask politely for clarification.
  • Pause before answering to consider all facts that may substantiate your response.
  • Always offer positive information.
  • Get directly to the point. Ask if the listener would like you to go into great detail before you do.
  • Discuss only the facts needed to respond to the question.
  • Do not open yourself to areas of questioning that could pose difficulties for you.
  • Be truthful, but do not offer unsolicited information.
  • Focus and re-focus attention on your successes.

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