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During the Interview

Bring Extra Copies of your Resume

Be prepared to share your resume and offer it at the beginning of each interview along with your business card as stated below.

Get Business Cards

Regardless if you interviewed with one person or a panel, be sure to ask for a business card from each individual. You can initiate the exchange of cards by offering one of your own. If you don’t currently have cards, making some up is a good idea, even if you’re not currently employed! Following up will be much easier with your interviewer’s direct contact information and the correct spelling of his/her name in your possession.

Find out the timeline

One of the last questions you should ask your interviewer is when they expect to make a decision about filling the position. Having an idea of the timeframe the company is operating within will help you manage that feeling of “being in limbo” as you wait to hear the company’s decision.

Show that you’re still interested

Leave no doubt in the interviewer’s mind about where you stand. Ask for the job at meeting’s end with a phrase such as, “I would really like to contribute to this company and am hoping you select me.”

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